Thursday, December 20, 2007

Well, it's finally happened...

every last brain cell is fried, gone - kaput!

I suppose procrastinating Christmas preparations and burning the midnight oil are taking their toll on me, as well as the baby's having been ill. She had 6 days in a row of 103.5 fevers for which Tylenol had no effect and the doctor could find no apparent cause. She was sleeping for an hour and then was listless for an hour - for 6 days! She stumped the doctors.

I knew it was something that just had to work it's way through her, but I also knew the fastest way for her to get over it was to show up at the doctor's office so they could shrug their shoulders and collect $20. Twice.

This time, it took 4 days to work. I was getting a bit worried there for a minute. She was not at all herself. She cuddled, she sat still, and wouldn't eat anything but yogurt or 'proot'.

Everything is now back to normal, and at a much larger volume. Goodness, I miss the cuddles!

One side benefit: no binky the last two nights.


b. said...

I'm so sorry.....
I'm glad she's feeling better, I've been thinking about you.

Elizabeth-W said...

Once when 4 year old was about 2 she had a fever of about 104-5, and I was freaked. The Drs office didn't believe me! I said there was something seriously wrong, and I wanted her seen NOW.
Sure enough, when THEY took her temp, and saw that I wasn't lying, or unable to take a temperature or whatever they thought, everyone sprang into action--trying to cool her down, etc.
Turns out she had a bladder infection. Then they thought there was something wrong with her anatomy so she later had to go in for a couple tests to make sure that her kidneys were developing normally.
Long story short....mama's know when they babies is sick!! :D Give Gracie hugs for me.

Summer said...

Poor Grace.

Ibuprofen didn't work either?

Montserrat said...

The poor little dear! That's along time for a high fever. Glad she's feeling better.

Am'n2Deep said...

Poor baby, and poor mommy. I'm so glad Gracie's feeling better!


Heffalump said...

My little sister used a pacifier until she was four. We convinced her to stop because she kept getting sick. She would get better, use the binky, and reinfect herself...

athena said...

i've been procrastinating christmas preparations too. i only just got our christmas tree up. at least you have a good excuse. glad to hear gracie is feeling better. will you send me your postal address again?

Mrs. O said...

I am completely blogger-inept! I know I left comments on this post, but they seem to have disappeared into the ether.

b, cocoa, am'n - thx

ew - that sounds scary! Mamas know when something is up, and it takes a great doc to acknowledge it.

summer - ibuprofen finally worked the last couple of days - I think Tylenol is worthless in most cases.

heff - dang it! she just found an old binky, I was hoping this might be the end.

athena - glad to see you! I sent it, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Glad she's doing better! Hope you got a little rest...

Mrs. O said...

cw - i'm still playing catch up.