Pampers Baby Dry diapers review
Recently, G has been test driving Pampers Baby Dry diapers and Pampers One-Ups! baby wipes.
First, a disclaimer: I have always had my babies use the Huggies Supreme Newborn diapers and as soon as they're out of those, I switch over to Luvs. I did this for all five kids. We are loyal Luvs diaper consumers. At the same time, I have always used Huggies wipes - always.
Overall Impression: Love the Pampers diapers, not so much the wipes. Read on to find out why.
One thing to know about G, she weaned herself from a bottle somewhere around 12-14 months of age. (Just in case you're thinking of reprimanding me, I had a Radioactive Iodine treatment that made our decision for us on the whole breast vs. bottle issue). G is one thirsty girl and drinks vast quantities of water every night just before bed. At least two cups worth, and lately she has been waking up soaked in her Luvs diapers.
We thought we'd give the Pampers Baby-Dry diapers a try to see if they're any better at keeping her dry. At first, I was disappointed because the legs were gappy when she got up from her nap, then I realized that all I needed to do was fasten the tapes tighter.
Things I like about Pampers diapers:
1) They smell like baby powder - I heart that!
2) Not once did she get a sore bum! I'm considering switching for that feature alone.
3) G loves that Elmo is on the back of every diaper (even though she has never seen Sesame Street)
4) They hold a whole lotta liquid
5) They mostly hold all the messy stuff in too (only a couple of teeny tiny leaks by the legs when she had a stomach bug)
6) They are so much thinner than any other diaper
Things that bugged me:
1) The tapes had a way of never feeling tight enough because of the flex feature
2) They hold so much liquid that by morning, it looked like she was dragging a weight between her legs.
3) They're $2 more than Luvs for the same amount of diapers, sigh...
Things I liked about the wipes:
1) They were soft
2) Neither she nor I broke out in a rash from using them
3) I think they'd make great baseboard cleaners
Things that bugged me about the wipes:
1) Too slippery. I like to fold my wipes in half and distance my fingers from the messy stuff. Huggies do that quite nicely and somehow get a bit of traction on a messy bum. These wipes fell short.
2) Any part that was sticking out in the plastic dispenser (even when the lid was closed) dried out, very annoying.
3) The scent. Too powerful and perfumey. Whatever happened to that good ol' fashioned baby powder smell? To be honest, Huggies has recently changed the scents of their wipes too and it's even worse than the Pampers' smell. It used to be that fragrance free smelled worse than the 'lightly scented,' I'm afraid that's not true anymore.
I think you'll be pleasantly suprised if you try the Baby-Dry diapers. No soggy bums in the morning or drenched clothes either. With the pampers wipes, however, you're on your own. For other Talk About Tuesday posts, visit Lara at the Lazy Organizer
I agree completely on the wipes. I hate pampers wipes because they are so slippery. I ended up wiping baby poop with the back of my hand on accident on a couple occasions when I tried them. Huggies wipes are the best wipes. Period.
I became a pampers fan with my last baby--for many of the same reasons. It was the only diaper that kept her from getting a "sore bum". And remember that green smoothie recipe? When consumed in great amounts, there was no other diaper that could keep up. I had to let these reasons justify the price.
I'll have to try those pampers out. My daughter has a constant bad rash going and not much seems to help, not even medicated creams from the doctor. It would be worth paying a little more for her not to get bad rashes. And I don't like pampers wipes either, I've always used huggies but recently switched to off brand. With two in diapers I need to save wherever I can.
I'm going to try her in the Pampers diapers with the Huggies wipes- maybe I can figure out where the rash is coming from.
am'n - sorry about the smoothie diapers, yikes!
Thankfully we are past this age. We tried Pampers with my son, but I think he had too flat of a butt for them or something, and everything just ran out the back. But, when my kiddos were little, I would have loved a review like this, I always hated buying a bag of diapers and finding out they were no good. It's so helpful for people to share their experiences to cut back on the trial & error for the rest of us! Thanks!
We did the Pampers for diapers and Huggies for wipes, too! We were loyal Pampers Cruisers fans. I tried other ones and hated them!
I loved Pampers with my daughter, but not for my son. In fact we are doing the same test drive right now and he keeps leaking out of them. **Sigh**
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