Thursday, July 5, 2007

Flashback Friday and a little dance history

I am going to refer you to this post. I know I posted it just this week, but I loved the pictures and couldn't wait to post them. They are a flashback of sorts - prebaldy ones.

Ty is still doing well and wolfing down the gogurts. He is still feeling nauseous.

For alittle Friday entertainment, I present the following

Now, if you'll excuse me while I display my flexibility


Montserrat said...

The evolution of dance was pretty funny! In middle school I danced to Vanilla Ice's "Ice, Ice, Baby" and MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This" with our drill team. I can still remember every bit of the dance. My girls think it's hilarious when I show them some of what I did.

Anonymous said...

i love the evolution of dance clip. the kids actually think i dance like that guy (i'm not good though, but he's funny).

Elizabeth-W said...

I love that evolution one just for the entertainment/walk-down-memory-lane factor, but that kid in #2 is something else. My favorite part is his understated costume :)

Mrs. O said...

Montse - ahh, the drill team days. I did them too. We didn't get to dance to the fun stuff, it was all remixes. I don'tt think my kids would recognize me with all the makeup and big hair (and size 3ness)

Athena-he is funny, there's a bunch of high school kids who've done knock-offs of it. His was still the best.

Elizabeth-his costume is great, but I love his name even more "Dave Elsewhere". I think the last 2 mins of the Evolution were a bit lost on me (as soon as it hit NKOB).