Sunday, March 2, 2008

For purple mountains' majesty...

This mountain is the view from my neighborhood, and it 's very nice,

but this is the view I grew up with

It's pretty hard to beat that. The peak on the left, obscured by clouds, is where Spielberg and Mr. Triumph hiked last summer.

The mountain/hill in the first picture obscures the view in the second one, but I know it's there. There's probably a metaphor in there somewhere, but today I'd rather just enjoy the view.


b. said...

So, Sooooo beautiful!!

I grew up with that second view too....there's nothing like it!

TheOneTrueSue said...

What is the second view? Is that Timp?

Mrs. O said...

b - It reminds me that I have to step way back sometimes to see the bigger picture. You're right, nothing says home like that second view

sue - yes, but it's a little tricky to see with the cloud cover. it was so unbelievably clear today what with the storm washing out the inversion gunk last night, I just had to snap a pic before it all comes back.

John-Michael said...

OK ... so this Florida guy [me] tries to understand the concept ... those are like REALLY, REALLY, big sand dunes at the beach? Right?! [smile]

Just can't wrap my mind around all of that COLD!!!

Am'n2Deep said...

When I'm so sick of the cold weather, it's always a plus when I can see the mountains clearly which are always beautiful no matter what time of year.

Mrs. O said...

jm - if only it were that warm (and humid) here

am'n - I just love it when a storm washes out the gunk and leaves us with blue skies