Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Manic Monday!

The weekends can leave me feeling blah! I wonder if it is the day of rest between Friday and Monday?

Today, I fixed that feeling by spiffing up the house. What does "spiffing" entail?

a) 15 - minute pickup & put away

b) chore crew at the ready for
------living room
------family room
------dining room

c) commence sweeping, dusting, vaccuuming, dusting, defingerprinting the glass doors, dishes

d) the cherry on top: mopping and waxing the wood floor

I can't tell you the feeling I get when I look at a shiny floor, especially if it's mine!

I tried to take a picture (because it will last longer), but it just didn't do it justice. I'm afraid y'all will just have to come over to appreciate the shine. Better hurry.


Lisa M. said...

Could you PLEASE come to my house?

Elizabeth-W said...

I'm guessing it's gone already, right?
Getting to peace about that is something that took me a long time, and every now and then it drives me batty.

Mrs. O said...

lisa - I seem to clean better at someone else's house.

ew - parts of it have already succumbed (or should I say succrumbed?) but it still looks okay if you squint.